Older news!!!

Second half year 200 7

Cancelled ferry tours
The early ferry tours Monday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon, i.e., 14.30 from Holmön and 15.30 from Norrfjärden will be cancelled during the school Christmas Holidays [Read more (in Swe)].
Holmöns church at 8.00 Christmas Day morning.
Ferry on Christmas Eve
The ferry will go according to the Saturday schedule on Christmas Eve, i.e., from Holmön at 9.00 and Norrfjärden at 10.00 and from Holmön at 16.30 and Norrfjärden at 17.30
Hovercraft information meeting
Representatives from the Ferry Shipping Company with Anders Werner as front figure had called to an information meeting in the Town Hall to inform and consult regarding the potential hovercraft traffic to Holmön. The meeting attracted several participants both from Holmön and Norrfjärden as well as leisure house owners on both sides. It became a tense meeting and the information given was poor and did not satisfy the people present. Torbjörn Lindberg has summarised his impressions in a letter that has been sent to Vägverket, authorities, politicians and the media. Read Torbjörns new letter (in Swe).
Revised travel description
Now there is a revised version of the travel description document for travel between Umeå and Holmön available. [Read more (in Swe)]
Extra tour with the ferry
I conjuction with the information meeting about the Hovercraft traffic on Wednesday 19 December (see below) there will be an extra tour with the ferry departing at 19.00 from Norrfjärden.
Report from Torbjörn Lindberg
At the call at infrastructure minister Åsa Torstensson a number of documents were delivered and name lists with support. Read (all in Swe) Document with the request, Background motivation and Name list summary.
Report from the Harbour Association
The Harbour Association had a board meeting this week. Read a short report (in Swe).
More information about the Christmas Luncheon
Prästgården (Vicar's house) on Saturday 15 December at 13.00. Price: Children up to 12 years free, 13 - 64 years 200 kr, 65 years and older 100 kr. We give a discount to retired people. The children from the school will do the Lucia procession and the Red Cross will sell raffles! The excess will go to Children of the World! Holmöns Red Cross Section is arranging the event. OBS! Torbjörn Lindberg will also inform about the call at Infrastructure minister Åsa Torstensson where the letter about the ferry and all name lists were delivered.
Reservations not later than 9/12 on the list at the shop, with e-mail: tarja@holmon.com or phone 070-2621368.


Lucia at the school
On 13 December at 9.00 there will be Lucia celebration at the school. Parents and villagers are welcome. After the Lucia procession there will be "fika" served.
Meeting with information about hovercraft
Holmön inhabitants, Norrfjärden inhabitants, leisure house owners, and other concerned are welcome to an information meeting regarding the decided hovercraft traffic to and from Holmön. At the meeting, you will get the opportunity to ask questions and leave your comments. Town hall in Umeå on Wednesday 19 December at 16.00 -18.00.
There will be an extra tour back to Holmön after the meeting for island inhabitants.
Welcome wish Umeå kommun, Vägverket Färjerederiet


Torbjörn Lindbergs document about the ferry
Torbjörn has written a document that a ferry is better than a hovercraft. At the shop there is a list to sign to support the document. It is also possible to support the document by sending an e-mail. All e-mails will be attached with the document along with the singed lists from the shop.
[Read the document (in Swe)] [Send a support e-mail ]


More information about the Christmas Luncheon
Prästgården (Vicar's house) at 13.00. Price: Children up to 12 years free, 13 - 64 years 200 kr, 65 years and older 100 kr. We give a discount to retired people. The children from the school will do the Lucia procession and the Red Cross will sell raffles! The excess will go to Children of the World! Holmöns Red Cross Section is arranging the event.
Reservations not later than 9/12 on the list at the shop, with e-mail: tarja@holmon.com or phone 070-2621368.


Activities in December - Lucia and Christmas Luncheon
On 13 December there will be Lucia celebrations in the morning. Parents and villagers are welcome to the school. More info will come later.

The Red Cross will arrange a Christmas Luncheon on Saturday 15 December. There is a sign-up list at the shop. More information will come soon.

Harbour association asks
The board has chosen to make a basic documentation for planning of the development in Byviken. We start this work with a survey to the members and other interested. [Read more (in Swe)]
Ferry in operation
The ferry has now been repaired and will run on schedule this afternoon. 
Ferry cancelled
Today Sunday, the ferry is cancelled from the morning tour from Norrfjärden at 10.00 for the time being due to engine breakdown. The ferry remains in Norrfjärden to be repaired. More information will follow during the day.
Theatre at the school
Holmöns school invites all interested to come and see our theatre performance "Det egendomliga huset" on Friday 9 November at 19.00 at the school. Adults fee 20 kr and children up to 18 years free. We offer "fika" afterwards and a small tour in our newly renovated school.
Ferry cancelled
Today Sunday, the ferry tours at 16.30 from Holmön and 17.30 from Norrfjärden has been cancelled due to hard weather.
School theatre
On Friday the week after autumn holiday the children at the school will give atheatre performace. Parents and villagers are welcome. More information will follow.
Ferry schedule during autumn school holidays
The early afternoon tours Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at 14.30 from Holmön and 15.30 from Norrfjärden are cancelled during week 44.
Business hours during the moose hunting week
During week 42 the business hours will be:
Monday - Friday   10.00 - 12.00 & 18.00 - 19.00
Saturday             11.00 - 13.00
Sunday                Closed
Moose hunting on Holmön
Holmöns Moose hunting team hunts moose week 42 with start on Sunday 14 October. The hunting is expected to continue until Wednesday 18 October. Thursday and Friday are reserve days.
Harbour association
Byviken Holmön Economical Association (Harbour association) has now a webpage on the Holmön Portal with a presentation of the activities. [Read more (in Swe)]
Shop assistant
Lanthandeln needs a shop assistant on part time. It is cashier work and other normal shop tasks, collecting goods and post from the ferry. The work time is every second week Wednesday 8.30 - 13.00 och the other week Friday 8.30-14.00, 17.30 - 19.30 and lördag 10.30 - 14.00. Are you interested contact Bo-Gunnar Pettersson, 070 6882032 or Lanthandeln, 090 55170
Now has the Holmön Portal got its new appearance
Looka at the pages and send you comments towebmaster.
The Holmön Portal gets a new design
During the comiung weeks the Holmön Portal will change apperance. Hopefully it will be better. "Latest news" will be on the start page. Links to under pages will be gathered in a Menu block under the logo in the page header. There might be some disturbances during the change. If you se strange or odd things please notify webmaster@holmon.com.
A new rain record since SMHIs measurements began on Holmön. From 14.00 on 27/8 to 8.00 on 28/8 (i.e. during 18 h) the measured amount of rain was 88,5 mm. This corresponds to an amount of rain during two normal month. 
HUF annual meeting is moved
HUF has postponed the annual meeting one week to  Saturday 22 September at 12.00 to be held at Holmöns school.
International lighthouse day
Tomorrow Sunday is the international lighthouse day. The lighthouses on Holmögadd, Bergudden and Stora Fjäderägg are shown to the public. [Read more (in Swe) ]
Annual meeting
Holmön Älgjaktlag (Moose Hunting Team) reminds of the annual meeting 18 August at the school 13.00.
Harbour Association
Byviken Holmön Ekonomisk förening will have its annual meeting 19 August in the School at 11.15 [Read more (in Swe)].
Holmö Day
Hembydgsföreningen (Folklore association) reminds of Holmö Day on Saturday at 12.00 by Holmögården with market, café, raffles and other activities. Also, don't forget the annual meeting on Sunday at 13.00 at Holmögården.
The shop business hours during the Song festival
The shop will have extended business hours during the Song festival weekend. [Read more ]
Ferry mishap
The ferry blew up on a sand bank in Byviken this afternoon. There was no damage on the ferry or any injuries among the passengers. The ferry managed to get lose by it self. This mishap will not affect the traffic.
07-07-08 afternoon
Ferry cancelled
The ferry tour at 16.30 from Holmön and at 17.30 from Norrfjärden today is cancelled due to the weather.
07-07-08 morning
Ferry cancelled
The ferry tour at 9.00 from Holmön and at 10.00 from Norrfjärden today is cancelled due to the weather.
07-07-07 afternoon
Harbour association annual meeting postponed
The annual meeting of the new hrbour association at 21 July has been postponed. Lantmäteriet has not been able to finalise the documentation for the purchase of the harbour before the summer vacations. The association will return with a new date as soon as the purchase has been settled.
07-07-07 afternoon
Ferry cancelled
The ferry tour at 16.30 from Holmön and at 17.30 from Norrfjärden today is cancelled due to the weather.
07-07-07 morning
Jazz festival
The Jazz festival program for today afternoon is cancelled since the artist could not come due to the cancelled ferry. The evening program at 17.30 and at 20.00 as well as tomorrow Sunday in the church at 11.00 will be performed according to the schedule.
07-07-07 morning
Ferry cancelled
The ferry tour at 9.00 from Holmön and at 10.00 from Norrfjärden today is cancelled due to the weather.
Jazz festival
Don't miss the Jazz festival this weekend. The program with times, artist and concert fees is available. [Read more ].
Jazz festival
Do not miss the Jazz festival coming weekend [Read more (in Swe)].

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This page was updated: 2008-01-21