Previous and ongoing projects
Brominated compounds in Arctis

In this project area, I have studied the exchange of brominated compounds between Sea and air. Particularly the exchange of naturally formed bromoanisoles have been investigated and compared with antropogenic halogenated hydrocarbons, e.g., bominated flame retardants and chlorinated pesticides.


Latest publications

Bidleman TF, Agosta, K, Andersson A, Haglund P, Nygren O, Ripszam M, Tysklind M. Air-water exchange of brominated anisoles in the northern Baltic Sea. Environ Sci & Technol, 48 (2014), 6124-32.

Bidleman T, Agosta K, Andersson A, Brorström-Lundén E, Haglund P, Hansson K, Laudon H, Newton S, Nygren O, Ripszam M, Tysklind M, Wiberg K, Atmospheric pathways of chlorinated pesticides and natural bromoanisoles in the northern Baltic Sea and its catchment, Ambio, Supple 3(44) (2015), 472.

Bidleman T, Agosta K, Andersson A, Haglund P, Liljelind P, Hegmans A, Jantunen L, Nygren O, Poole J, Ripszam M, Tyskling M. Sea-air exchange of bromanisoles and methoxylated bromodiphenylethers in the Northern Baltic. Marine Pollution Buletin, 112 (2016), 58.

Bidleman T, Nygren O, Tysklind M. Field estimates of polyurethane foam: air partition coefficients for hexachlorobenzene, alpha-hexachlorocyclohexane and bromoanisoles. Chemosphere, 159 (2016), 126.

Bidleman T F, Laudon H, Nygren O, Svanberg S, Tysklind M. Chlorinated pesticides and natural brominated anisoles in air at three notheren Baltic stations. Env Poll 225 (2017), 381-389.

Bidleman T F, Laudon H, Nygren O, Svanberg S, Tysklind M. Chlorinated pesticides and natural brominated anisoles in air at three nothern Baltic stations. Environ Pollut. 225 (2017), 381-389.

Bidleman T F, Brorström-Lundén E, Hansson K, Laudon H, Nygren O, Tysklind M. Atmospheric transport and deposition of bromoanisoles along a temperate to arctic gradient. Environ Sci Technol, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est7b03218.


Drug exposure.

Assessment of drug exposure among medical staff during preparation and administration. Last project was a screening investigation of spill and leakage of antibiotics during compounding and administration in hospitals. This project was supported by AFA and was finished in 2011.


Latest publications  

Moore, G and Nygren, O. Penicillin. Criteria document for Occupational Standards. Arbete & Hälsa, 2004:6, Arbetslivsinstitutet, Stockholm, 2004.

Hedmer M, Jönsson B A, Nygren O. Development and validation of methods for environmental monitoring of cyclophosphamide in workplaces. J Environ Monit 6 (2004), 979-84.

Nygren O, Gustavsson B, Eriksson R. A test method for assessment of spill and leakage from drug preparation systems, Ann Occup Hyg, 49 (2005), 711 - 718.

Nygren O. Development of measuring methods based on wipe sampling for assessment of emission and distribution of cytotoxic drugs in indoor environments. Proc 10th Intl Conf Indoor Air Quality and Climate, pp 2756-2761,   4-9th Sept, Beijing, China, 2005.

Nygren O. Exposure to hazardous drugs. Hosp Parm Europe 4 (2006), 66-68.

Nygren O, Olofsson E, Johansson L. Spill and leakage using a drug preparation system based on double filter technology. Ann Occup Hyg, 52 (2008), 95-98.
Can be downloaded in full text from:

Nygren O, Olofsson E, Johansson L. NIOSH definition of closed system drug-transfer devices. Ann Occup Hyg, 53 (2009), 549.
Can be downloaded from:

Nygren O, Lindahl R. Undersökning av spill och läckage vid hantering av antibiotika inom sjukvården. Slutrapport AFA-projekt 07-0043. Umeå Universitet, Umeå, 2010.

Nygren O, Lindahl R. Development of a method for screening spill and leakage of antibiotics on surfaces based on wipe sampling and HPLC-MS/MS analysis. J ASTM International, 8 (2011), 10.

Nygren O, Lindahl R. Screening of spill and leakage of antibiotics in hospital wards. J ASTM International, 8 (2011), 24.



Critical work task for drug leakage

Development of measurement methods for metals and organometals.

Many metals occur in various forms with different toxicity. It is therefore essential to be able to selectively determine different forms of a metal for adequate assessment of its hazardous health effects. In this Ph D student project, different methods for speciation of metals were developed, e.g., speciation of hexavalent chromium in concrete and tanned leather, transferrin bound cobalt in blood, cisplatin in plasma.  

Latest publications  

Nygren O, Aspman O. Validation and application of wipe sampling and portable XRF analysis as an on-site screening method for assessment of deposited aerosols on workplaces, Aust J Chem 37 (2004), 1021-28.

Nygren O. Platinum element and gold. Occupational exposure. In Speciation anlysis of platinum group elements and gold, ed Cornelis R, Wiley & Son, London, 2005.

Nygren O. Occupational exposure to palladium in various work environments. In Palladium Emissions in the Environment: Analytic, Environmental Assessment and Health Effects, eds Zereini F och Alt F, Springer Verlag, 2006.

Nygren O. Wipe sampling as a tool for monitoring aerosol deposition in workplaces. J Environ Monit, 8 (2006), 49 - 52.

Andersson I-M, Lindahl R, Nygren O, Stor H, Sundström-Frisk C. Intermediärers roll. In Arbetsmiljöarbete i Sverige 2004. En kunskapssammanställning över strategier, metoder och arbetssätt för arbetsmiljöarbete, Eds: Andersson I-M, Hägg G, Rosén G, Arbete & Hälsa 2006:6, Arbetslivsinstitutet, Stockholm, 2006.

Schneider T, Jansson A, Alstrup Jensen K, Kristjansson V, Luotamo M, Nygren O, Savolainen K, Skaug V, Thomassen Y, Tossavainen A, Tuomi T, Wallin H. Evaluation and control of occupational health risks from nanoparticles. TemaNord 2007:581. Ed. Schneider, T. Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen, 2007, ISBN 978-92-893-1563-0.
Can be downloaded from:


Welding work

Laser treatment.

This project, which ended 1999, involved investigation of aerosol exposure during metal surface treatment with high power lasers. A possible continuation of this project is the development of methods for emission and exposure measurements during laser treatment of composite materials. The work has carried out in collaboration with Laser group at Luleå Technical University, ArgeLas in Wienna and Laser Zentrum Hannover. 


Selection of publications

Nygren O, Flinkfeldt J, Lidén G, Lundgren L, Püster T and Seebaum D. Emissions generated during laser cladding. Proc 3rd EUREKA Industrial Laser Safety Forum, pp 149-156, Copenhagen, 4-5 May, 1995.

Haferkamp H, Püster T, Nygren O, Beck-Hansen E. Ring experiments as accompanying measure for investigations of emissions during laser material processing in the EU643 project. Proc 3rd EUREKA Industrial Laser Safety Forum, pp 123-130, Copenhagen, 4-5 May, 1995.

Nygren O, Haferkamp H, Seebaum D, Püster T and Beck Hansen E. Round Robin experiments for comparison and evaluation of analytical methods for the determination of emissions from high-power laser material processing. Analyst 121 (1996), 1291-1294.

Püster, T and Nygren, O. Gas and Fume Emissions, section 2 in "Laser Safety Handbook", Ed: Schröder, K,, Argelas, Wienna, Austria, 2002. 

 Laser welding
Photo: Trumpf

Water Jet Cutting.

The basis of this project, which ended during year 2000, has been the assessment of the occupational environment during abrasive water jet cutting in order to investigate the possibility to start a development project with the aim to improve the work environment. This project has been carried out in collaboration with the Water jet group at Luleå Technical University and with funding from the Swedish Council for Work Life Research. 


Nygren O, Flinkfeldt J. Förbättrad arbetsmiljö vid abrasiv vattenskärning (in Swe) [Improved work environment during abrasive water-jet cutting] Arbetslivsrapport 2000:7, Arbetslivsinstitutet, Solna, 2000.

Aersol sampling during water jet cutting 
Photo: O Nygren

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This page was updated: 2018-09-12.

© Olle Nygren